Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Today is the day!

It's true gang... UPS has sent their fastest truck (seen below) to deliver my last three copies of WoW. Of course I won't be home to pick them up, so I'm hoping they slow down long enough to hide them on my porch.

You can track my package here! (no jokes Jon) It's fun to play along!

So tonight, after my Gruul's raid, I plan to get my new Orcs setup, and try to push to level 10! It all depends on how much time I have. I can finally stop playing at 4am. I was doing that so I could "borrow" three accounts for setup and testing.

I also plan to tell my guild what I'm up to, and link them to this blog finally. I haven't till now, because I know it will cause alot of hype, and I didn't want to do that until I was SURE I was going to five-box.


- Boom

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