Multiboxing with all Shammies is fun. Period. Why? Because Shammies get so many cool tools and toys, meant to buff a group of other classes. So when you stack those buffs with muiltiple Shaman, it gets really fun. (not to mention cool to see!)
I've been digging for a while to figure out exactly what totems stack, and which don't. I finally found the info I was looking for, where else, but at Dual-Boxing.com.
My favorite
Shammieboxer™, (that's right, I coined a phrase!) Ellay, who runs Dual-Boxing.com, clarified most of the Totem details in a
post. Here's a visually pleasing summary. (as I know you kids love to be pleased visually.)
Earth Totems |
Fire Totems |
 | Searing Totem Shoots fireballs at enemies | | STACKS! They each do their own damage, so they stack just fine! |  | Fire Nova Totem Single AoE explosion after a few seconds | | STACKS! Same as Searing above |  | Magma Totem AoE / DoT | | STACKS! Same as Searing and Nova. Dropped close together, and you have some very decent AoE! |  | Frost Resistance Totem + Frost Resist | | Does Not Stack |  | Flametongue Totem Enchant weapons with +melee (fire) damage | | Does Not Stack |  | Totem of Wrath +3% to Spell Crit and Hit | | STACKS! 5 totems = +15% crit AND +15% to hit. So just about no need to spend any item points on +spell hit gear. |  | Fire Elemental Totem Summon DPS Elemental Pet | | STACKS! Not really a "Stack", but 5 x DPS Elemental pets. WOOT! |
Water Totems |
 | Healing Stream Totem HoT to party | | STACKS! Drop 5 of these and you just about don't need to heal your group. |  | Mana Spring Totem MoT to party | | Does Not Stack |  | Poison Cleansing Totem Remove 1 poison every 5 seconds
| | STACKS! Can "stack" if you stagger your drops. |  | Disease Cleansing Totem Remove 1 disease every 5 seconds | | STACKS! Same as Poison |  | Mana Tide Totem + 6% of total mana every 4 seconds for 12 seconds | | STACKS!
|  | Fire Resistance Totem +Fire Resist | | Does Not Stack |
Air Totems |
 | Grace of Air Totem +Agility to party | | Does Not Stack |  | Windfury Totem Enchant Weapon to recieve chance of extra hits | | Does Not Stack |  | Grounding Totem Immune to next spell cast on player
| | STACKS! This is incredibly powerful vs. caster opponents |  | Windwall Totem Reduce Ranged Damage taken | | Does Not Stack |  | Sentry Totem Security camera you can place anywhere and view through | | Utility totem. You can place them at different positions to watch over a flag in pvp. |  | Nature Resistance Totem +Nature Resist | | Does Not Stack |  | Tranquil Air Totem Reduce threat by 20% | | Does Not Stack |  | Wrath of Air Totem +101 to Healing and Spell Damage | | Does Not Stack |
Got pictures and everything. What a post. No to test the last two totems...
Windfury does in fact "stack" due to its pulse system mechanic. The more Windfury totems up, the more often the buff will be "refreshed". However, since you're only allowed one weapon buff at a time (sharpening stone, windfury, poisons, mana oils) it effectively does nothing other then refresh the windfury buff timer.
Hey Jennifer,
Thanks for the note! Can you help me find info to back up your comment?
There's an internal cooldown on Windfury of 3 seconds. Are you suggesting that staggered windfury totems could essentially reduce this by refreshing the buff during that 3 seconds?
Does the WF totem pulse it's buff? If so, at what interval? I'll try to research this myself as well.
Thanks for the tip!
The windfury totem has no 3 second cooldown, just the shaman's weapon imbue.
And no, that doesn't mean you should use the totem instead of the imbue :)
Oh Dear,
Sorry Boom -- didn't realize you had responded to my comment until now... Several months later.
Anyway, the windfury stack does not reset the cooldown timer, but if you lay a windfury totem and watch your buffs, you'll notice that the windfury buff applies itself and then the buff timer ticks down until it is removed.
This is how enh shammies "totem twist" by rotating windfury and agility. They lay windfury, and immediately after lay Grace of Air. Right before the windfury ends its duration, they lay windfury again and reapply agility.
So, if you get a bunch of windfury totems down at once, the buff will constantly "reapply", resetting the buff timer to max. However, it EFFECTIVELY does nothing since it neither removes the 3 second windfury cooldown or adds anything that a single windfury totem wouldn't, since weapon buffs cannot be purged.
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